Saturday, June 8, 2013

What happens when I am waiting

There are areas of my stamp room that are NEVER clean. I took all day Friday to prepare for my Open House. While waiting, not too patiently, for the UPS man to arrive with my new stuff that I needed--I cleaned.

This is the hallway between the kitchen and the bathroom. There is a storage closet on the right. I am constantly hauling stuff in and out of the closet. I hardly ever put stuff away once I drag it out. I really need to improve the shelving in the closet--someday. 

This kitchen counter on the side of the sink is NEVER cleared off and is normally sticky. Tada, looks good today!

My scrapbook area is right inside the entrance to my craft room, therefore I "dump and run." There is normally a pile of stuff ready to topple. It's not perfect, but I have a couple projects I am prepping for a crop I'm attending in August. 

This is the hall way right outside my craft room--notice the HUGE pile of new SU catalogs. Yippee!!!

This is my "office" area and is in constant disaray. I had to tidy up so I could take orders and tally purchases that night. Yipee!!

I even cleaned the bathroom, and added a jar of cut flowers from my yard! 


  1. You were on a roll! Looks good!

  2. It looks so pretty!! Love how everything matches. Awesome work Darcie!! :) Shyra
