Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Happy Fourth! Stay cool.

This scorching weather has forced me inside from the garden. I go out a few hours a day and drag my sprinklers around to keep things alive. The temp showed 106 in my car on the way home yesterday. YUCK! Today it's only supposed to get to 99, still awful. We are camping this week for a few days just to get our dog out of town for the Fourth of July celebrations as she doesn't do well with fireworks. 

I had fun making these little cuties a few days ago. I put red vines into pretzel bags. I tried out different combos of Designer Series Paper, ink and glitter. 
This one was my favorite! (Mike's too, yes I made him choose one)

I am still collecting names for the giveaway of this set of note cards:

Respond to this post and I will deliver one of my licorice packs and enter your name to win the note cards.

As always please let me know if you'd like a SU catalog. I still have quite a few
 and would LOVE to share them.  


  1. Cute! These would make a fun hostess gift for the 4th of July!

  2. Very cute miss Darcie. Hope you have fun camping.

  3. Cute idea with the red vines!!!! If you have a spare catalog I'd love one.

    1. I have lots of catalogs. I will get you one asap!! I will either drop it off on my way to Moscow, or you can let me know when Kevin is working next and I will get it to him.

  4. Oh so cute!! It would make a fun C & C class. :) Have fun camping!

  5. This is the most comments I've had on my blog for one post for a long time, if not ever. Wahoo!!! I will be drawing for a name today, delivering licorice and catalogs over the next few days :-)
